SalvadorSystem Kft.
Who are we and why do we like selling companies? Why are we entrusted with company sales?
As a senior business development and investment brokerage and advisory team, we manage end-to-end company sales and mergers. We know that behind every sale is a unique and unrepeatable human story. The owner(s). We love and can be a part of, and partner in, the closing of his or her story, an important phase in his or her life.
We have experience in evaluating companies with a turnover of 1m - 100m eur, identifying their business potential and supporting changes to help them make a successful sale. We have an extensive network of relationships with financial investors and private equity owners, as well as with professional investors at home and around the world who see acquisitions as a key point of business growth.
How we work, what are the main steps in the process of selling a business?

Frequently Asked Questions
As we wrote at the beginning of this introduction, we know that behind every sale of a company is an unique and unrepeatable human story. The owner(s). Our experience clearly shows that there is always a personal motivation behind a sale. Many owners suffer from impostor syndrome, (which is constantly questioning oneself whether one really deserves all that one has achieved), a crisis of confidence, personal health problems, or other troubles. It is important to asses each situation individually.
Every company requires a different amount of time and effort, so we always assess the opportunities and risks of your business through a face-to-face meeting and background analysis, and then we make you an offer. We generally work on a success fee structure.
We focus on deals that can be completed within 6-12 months.
There are several factors that determine whether the deal will ultimately go through. In our experience, those that work best are those where the business owner is aware of their values and shortcomings, and is willing to cooperate and take action for mutual success.
It is a business development process that aims to bring the business metrics, physical appearance and market awareness of the company to a "Sexier" state at optimal cost, I.E. The process is similar to a pre-sale photo shoot of a home where everything is put in order.
No problem, we can help. Our professionals have a deep understanding of the processes, people and systems involved, so they can get the deal done to the right standard.
Each of the phase of the project is managed so that it is transparent and we will work with you to set appropriate payment periods.
Yes, there are several risks involved in such a process, feel free to contact us and we will see how we can help.
Any time you feel you've had enough and it's time to get out. Your company may need a little more improvement to get a better price, but it's always up to you.
Not just any that is in good shape is a good investment for you. Because there are several ways to get the values right while the problematic parts can be cut off. Whether you are looking for a hassle-free investment or the best value for money, we are willing to help you.